This project is no longer available.
Projects are only available for 24 hours before they expire and are sent to another marketer in network.
If you think you’ve gotten this message in error or have any questions please email talent@marketerhire.com
Job Details
Great! We need a few details from you before we send your profile to the client.
Engagement Type:
Great! We need a few details from you before we send your profile to the client.
Thank you for your interest!
We’ll review your information and reach out if we need anything else before sending your profile to the client.
If the client approves your profile, we’ll schedule an interview during one of the times you provided.
If you have any additional questions, please email us at talent@marketerhire.com. Include the company name of the project in your email title.
Thank you for your response!
We’ll review your responses and update your profile. This will help us to send you projects that better fit your interests, skills and availability.